Learning how to find online money making jobs can literally change your life. See, most online jobs are inherently flexible. You pick when you work and where you work. You can side hustle, build an online business in your spare time, earn extra cash alongside your day job, or make money while you’re at home taking care of your kids.

It’s not always magic — you’ve got to find a way to stay focused and on task when you’re working from home — but the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives. If you’re ready for a change and want to start working online, let’s get started with our top recommendations:

1. Facebook Digital Marketer

Earning potential: $1,000-$2,000/month

Digital marketers run online ad campaigns for business owners, and Facebook and Instagram are currently the best places for businesses to advertise online. Both have incredibly robust ad targeting capabilities, meaning business owners can put ads in front of the right kinds of potential customers.

The problem is that most business owners, especially small business owners, have too much on their plate to learn how to run Facebook ads effectively.

That’s why becoming a Facebook digital marketer is one of the best online money making jobs right now. Facebook’s ad platform is something you can learn, and you can make around $1,000-$2,000/month per client.

It takes, on average, 2-3 hours a week to run Facebook ads for your clients, and this is a skill you can learn and master with the Facebook Side Hustle Course. This course teaches you:

  • How to set up and run ads on Facebook and Instagram
  • How to find clients who need your services
  • Exactly what to say to get those clients to say “yes” and move forward with your services
facebook side hustle

Start making $1,000-$2,000 running ads

Want to learn more about running Facebook ads and how you can make $1,000+ every month? Just click on the link below.

2. Proofreader

Earning potential: $15-$45/hour

Do you find yourself noticing the smallest grammatical or punctuation errors in practically everything you read? You know, restaurant menus, books, Instagram posts, etc. If that’s you, proofreading would be one of the best online money making jobs for you.

Proofreaders freelance for all kinds of clients because let’s be honest, most of us aren’t good at spotting those kinds of errors. Sure, Grammarly is okay, but it’s not nearly as good as what a proofreader can do.

You can make around $15-$45/hour as a proofreader, and here’s how to get started:

Want to increase your income with proofreading?

This FREE training teaches you how to start making 4 figures a month from home as a proofreader.

3. Bookkeeping

Earning potential: $20-$40/hour

Bookkeepers and accountants aren’t the same thing — a lot of people get these two mixed up. The difference is that bookkeepers record daily financial transactions for a business, and accountants interpret those financial transactions.

That means that most bookkeepers can start making money online without previous experience, and you certainly don’t need the kind of specialized training it takes to become an accountant.

Here’s an idea of what bookkeepers do:

  • Paying bills
  • Collecting payments
  • Updating financial records and checking them for accuracy
  • Receiving and recording payments
  • Reimbursing work-related expenses
  • Managing payroll

This online job pays around $20-$40/hour. You’ll need to be highly organized and have solid math skills.

To start a bookkeeping side hustle, start with our article on How to Become a Bookkeeper. It outlines the necessary skills, what kind of training you need, and how to find clients.

Brilliant Bookkeeper

Want to make up to $5,000/month bookkeeping?

Learn the skills and strategies necessary to start a successful bookkeeping business from the comfort of your home.

4. Freelance Writer

Earning potential: $15-$75/hour

Freelance writers are responsible for the vast majority of stuff you read online, from online articles, blog posts, web copy, emails, and more. It’s also worth mentioning that the number of freelancers has grown considerably because more and more businesses are outsourcing to freelancers.

You don’t necessarily need a background in English, creative writing, or journalism to find online jobs for writers. Many of the successful freelance writers have a natural writing ability or they’re self-taught.

New freelance writers earn anywhere from $12-$45/hour, but if you have high-value skills like copywriting or SEO, you can earn upwards of $50-$75/hour.

Freelance Writing Course

Make $1,000 to $5,000/month as a freelance writer

Go from “I don’t know what I’m doing” to “I landed my first client!”

5. Blogger

Earning potential: $500-$10,000/month

While it’s a slow business model overall, blogging has the highest earning potential out of any of the options on this list. This site took off from $3 in display ad income to a 7-figure business in less than five years.

Not all bloggers will have the same outcome — that’s the same for any kind of business you start — but there’s still a lot of money to be made in the online blogging world.

One of the reasons that blogging is so appealing is that it’s incredibly flexible. You can blog about pretty much anything you want – kids, investing, real estate, pets, home decor, etc. Plus, you’re in control of how you monetize your site, and you can grow your blog in your own time. It’s not something you want to slack on though, because you get out of your blog what you put into it.

If you’re interested in learning more, we recommend:

  • Starting your blog on Bluehost. This is the exact service used to start this blog, and you can build a professional looking blog for as little as $2.95/month with our exclusive pricing.
  • Read How to Start A Blog: Step-By-Step Guide where we walk you through every step of the process.

Start a blog for less than $3/month

With our exclusive Bluehost pricing, you can start your blog for less than the cost of latte

6. Online Surveys

Earning potential: $1-$5/survey

It’s hard to call this a “job” because you can’t make a living from online surveys alone, but we’re including it because it’s one of the easiest and fastest ways to make money online.

Online surveys are used to collect valuable market research that companies used to create better products and services as well as more effective advertising campaigns. This is why survey sites pay for your feedback, and they need to hear from people in all types of demographic groups.

The way online survey sites work is by asking you a series of questions related to your habits, specific products, etc. You’re paid in points for each survey you complete, and those points convert to cash or gift cards.

There are dozens of online survey sites out there, but here are our recommendations:

  • Branded Surveys: Surveys range from 5 to 30 minutes long, and Branded Surveys has a 4.3 star rating on TrustPilot from over 55,000 users.
  • Survey Junkie: There are over 10 million Survey Junkie users, and surveys average 5 to 30 minutes long.
Branded Surveys

Make easy money online with Branded Surveys

Get paid $1-$3 for every survey you complete

7. Virtual Assistant

Earning potential: $500-$1,000/month

Virtual assistants, or VAs, handle online administrative services for their clients. It’s an excellent online money making job for anyone who has previous experience in customer service, project management, data entry, executive assistance, office management, or related fields.

Beginner virtual assistants earn $15-$25/hour on average, and your clients will need assistance with tasks like inbox management, scheduling, bookkeeping, light editing, data entry, customer service, and so on.

If you’re interested in getting started, here’s what we recommend for your next steps:

8. Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Earning potential: $500/month

Pinterest is a specialized niche for virtual assistants, and it would be a fun online money making job if you already like playing around on Pinterest. But keep in mind that working as a Pinterest VA is a lot more than just pinning all day long!

Pinterest virtual assistants are responsible for:

  • Creating pins
  • Scheduling pins with Tailwind
  • Automating the pinning process
  • Keyword research
  • Running Promoted Pins
  • Making rich pins
  • Building sales funnels, opt-ins, and more

You can make around $500/month per client working online as a Pinterest VA. Common clients are bloggers, e-commerce site owners, entrepreneurs — basically anyone who is trying to drive traffic to their website using Pinterest.

If you want to learn how to get started, here’s your next steps:

9. Transcription

Earning potential: $15-$30/hour

Transcriptionists take audio or video content and convert it to text. There are specialized jobs for medical transcriptionists and legal transcriptionists. Or, you can work as a general transcriptionist, a role that covers everything that doesn’t fall into the medical or legal fields.

Transcriptionists make $15-$30/hour, and you don’t need previous experience or a background in anything to start working as a general transcriptionist.

It’s easy in theory: type what you hear. But there can be some factors that make the work harder: background noises, heavy accents, unfamiliar terminology, lots of people talking, etc. Concentration skills are a must with this job!

If you’re interested in making money online as a transcriptionist, here are a few different ways to get started:

10. Web Developer

Earning potential: $40-$100/hour

Web developers are incredibly in demand right now. More and more people are working and learning online. Apps for ordering groceries and meals are being used more now than ever. Web developers are needed to maintain that technology and create even better options.

Web developer is a pretty broad term — there are jobs in front end, back end, Java, Python, JavaScript, full-stack, UI and UX designers, and more.

This is one of the best online jobs because it pays really well. Depending on your experience and which coding language you specialize in, you can make anywhere from $40-$100/hour.

Read 11 Best Places to Find Freelance Developer Jobs to find out how to get hired.

11. Social Media Manager

Earning potential: $15-$60/hour

Social media managers help business owners reach new customers, increase brand awareness, and are responsible for a brand’s online image. It’s part of public relations, part marketing, and a little customer service.

More and more small businesses are outsourcing social media management to freelancers because you need more of a strategy than most of them realize. For example, a social media manager might run a cohesive campaign that involves:

  • Scheduling posts
  • Replying to comments
  • Creating images for posts
  • Running reports and analyzing traffic data
  • Moderating online groups
  • Developing a brand identity and ensuring brand consistency across platforms

Online jobs for social media managers pay anywhere from $15-$40/hour depending on the services you’re offering. Learn more in How to Become a Social Media Manager in 2024.

12. Create an Online Course

Earning potential: $500-$10,000/month

This might surprise you, but you probably have a skill that you can distill into an online course. We all have something we’re good at. Maybe you’re an amazing illustrator. Or you know how to build sales funnels. You could be a spreadsheet master.

One of our readers has created a series of successful graphic design courses, and she went from earning a few thousand dollars a month extra to more than $80,000/month selling courses on platforms like Skillshare and Udemy!

How you market your course and the online platform you use makes a big difference in how successful you are. What makes this one of the best online money making jobs is that it can turn into fairly passive income over time.

Want to know more? Here’s what to do next:

13. Online Tutor

Earning potential: $15-$100/hour

If there is a school subject you know really well — think algebra, chemistry, French, etc. — parents are willing to pay good money to tutors who can help their kids get their grades up.

Parents want their kids to do well in school, have an edge when it comes to tests like the ACT and SAT, and they are willing to pay good money for quality tutors. This is the kind of money-making online job for those who don’t want to start their own freelancing gig or start a business. And it pays well too — subject-specific tutors can make $30-$60, and test prep tutors can earn around $45-$100/hour.

We highly recommend BookNook if you want to start tutoring online because they are actively looking for tutors and take care of lesson planning for you. BookNook tutors make $15-$22/hour, and here are the requirements:

  • 3+ years teaching or tutoring or
  • 1 year teaching or tutoring and at least a bachelor’s degree or
  • 1 year teaching or tutoring and current enrollment in a teaching credential program

You also must be a U.S. citizen to qualify. The tutoring sessions last 30 minutes, and you will work with 1-4 students at a time.

14. Customer Service Representative

Earning potential: $10-$20/hour

Big companies like Apple and Amazon have moved their customer service jobs online, and more companies are following suit.

This online job requires a lot of patience and problem-solving skills — not everyone is cut out for it! You’re going to get some pretty rude customers, but that’s not the case all of the time. You’ll also be answering questions, processing refunds, and just offering general customer support.

Here’s how you can get started:

15. Etsy Seller

Earning potential: $50-$1,000/month

This is one of the best online jobs for creative people who want to do something a little different online. Etsy is the go-to online marketplace for all things creative, handmade, unique, or vintage.

While you can make and sell clothes, jewelry, furniture, artwork, and more, one of the more lucrative niches is digital printables. Think planner pages, invitations, birthday cards, stickers, budget pages, calendars, cards, and more.

These are files that people can purchase, download, and print. You’re not holding onto inventory, spending time creating every single item, and you don’t have to ship anything out.

All of that saves time and money, and it’s why selling printables on Etsy is a somewhat passive online job.

To get started, we highly recommend the free ebook Seasonal Product Secrets to learn which types of products sell best throughout the year.

What Online Jobs Can Make You Money?

There is a lot of space online to find work and earn a regular income. Technology has only increased the options, and we think that’s really freaking awesome for anyone who wants a flexible job where they can work from home.

Our goal was to make sure this list had something for everyone. There are serious build-a-business online jobs like proofreading and other freelance work. Or you can start something that takes less of a commitment, like taking online surveys with Branded Surveys.

Think about what your goals are, then go forth and put in the work!


How can I make $1000 a month online?

You can earn $1,000 a month with a number of these jobs. My top pick is running Facebook ads for local businesses because you can make $1,000/month per client with around 2-3 hours worth of work. A number of the students who’ve taken my course have been able to scale their digital ad agencies to the $5,000 or even $10,000/month mark.

How can I make $100 a day online?

There are a lot of ways to make $100 a day. For example, a freelance web developer could make $100 in just a couple of hours. A Pinterest virtual assistant could make $100 in a few hours working on their client’s Tailwind schedule. An Etsy shop could net $100 in just one sale, depending on what you’re selling.

What is the best online job?

The best online jobs go to skilled workers, like freelance web developers, graphic designers, computer engineers, high-level freelance writers, etc. These are online jobs that start out paying well.
If you’re willing to put in the work, there’s virtually unlimited earning potential if you start a blog. Remember it’s a slow business model — not a get-rich-quick scheme — but the potential is there.