The best work from home jobs are for stay-at-home parents, people who want to work remotely, side hustlers, and more.

The key is that you can work these jobs from the comfort of your home… wherever that is.

Finding a great work from home jobs means you can:

  • Make extra money while you care for your kids
  • Stashing away a little extra cash in addition to what you make from your “normal” job
  • Finding something that lets you one day leave said “normal” job

If you’re looking for the fastest and easiest way to start making money from home, check out Branded Surveys and Survey Junkie. These popular online survey sites pay $1 to $3 per survey.

13 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs

1. Blogging

Blogging is my job, and I’m writing this post from the comfort of my home. I might get up in a minute to get a cup of coffee or take a break to walk my dog. That’s the beauty of any of these jobs, not just blogging.

But, blogging is one of my favorite ideas to tell people about because it legit opens up so many doors for earning income.

The only caveat I have to warn you of is that blogging isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a labor of love. It starts with just you, your computer, and whatever topic you want to write about.

With a blog, you earn money through:

  • Display ads
  • Sponsored posts
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Digital products like courses, ebooks, printables, etc.

And remember when I said it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, I’m serious. For this work from home job, you’ll have to start your blog, find readers, continually write epic content, connect with your audience, etc.

I have a free blogging course that teaches you how to do all of that, and you can sign up below:

One of the most important things in that course is setting up a professional looking website. You want to look like a professional to get paid like one. My advice is to use Launch That Blog. It’s a free service that:

  • Sets up your very own WordPress blog
  • Makes it look awesome
  • Teaches you how to work the technical side of your blog
  • Makes sure you have the essential tools ready to use

There are also a few freebies (you can learn more when you click on Launch That Blog). While my team takes care of everything above for free, you will need to pay for hosting through Bluehost. It’s only $2.95/month through my exclusive M$M Bluehost link.

Remember, it takes time to start earning income from blogging, but once you do, your earning potential is almost limitless. I started with $3, and now I have some six-figure months. The key is to stick with it.

2. Freelance Writing

If you enjoy writing, working as a freelance writer is a scalable online business that has you working for a number of clients. You can write for:

  • Websites
  • Content mills
  • Bloggers
  • Marketing agencies

Freelance writers don’t need a background in English, and you can learn more in our Guide to Freelance Writing in 2024.

Freelance Writing Course

Make $500 to $5,000/month writing

Go from “I don’t know what I’m doing” to “I landed my first client!”

3. Bookkeeper

Freelance bookkeepers help business owners record and manage daily financial transactions. This can include paying bills, managing payroll, and collecting payments. Bookkeeping is not the same thing as accounting, and that difference is why you can start bookkeeping online without a degree or certification.

Bookkeepers need to be familiar with popular financial software like Quickbooks and know how to read and create balance sheets. Pay averages $20-$40/hour, and you can work online and get paid daily or weekly. It’s a great side hustle for home if you like to nerd out with numbers.

Brilliant Bookkeeper

Make up to $5,000/month bookkeeping!

Learn the skills and strategies necessary to start a successful bookkeeping business from the comfort of your home.

4. Proofreader

Not everyone has mad grammar or punctuation skills, some people can’t articulate a cohesive thought, and some people just need help polishing their writing. A lot of the time these people are online business owners and bloggers.

But if you nerd out for grammar and punctuation, proofreading might be the perfect job!

Freelance proofreaders can work for a number of clients at once, and you can set your own rates and bill hourly or by the word. And if you’re looking for legitimate work from home jobs, proofreading is one of the best options — you only need an internet connection and access to a computer.

proofreading launchpad

Want to become a highly paid proofreader?

This FREE training teaches you how to start making 4-figures a month from home as a proofreader.

5. Work as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Pinterest is where home chefs, crafters, DIYers, and more find tutorials and websites that help them hone their skills and become inspired. It’s also a huge source of traffic for bloggers and online business owners like myself.

The problem many online business owners have is that we don’t have the time to learn and master a new platform… this is where you come in.

While working from home, Pinterest VAs help online business owners strategize with Pinterest by:

  • Creating pins
  • Doing keyword research
  • Create a pinning schedule
  • And so much more

You can earn an average of $500 a month per client.

Working as a Pinterest VA takes more than just knowing how to pin to your boards. To help you get started with this great work from home job, the Pinterest VA course by Kristin Larsen teaches you the ins and outs of Pinterest, plus they can even help you find your first client.

6. Become a Life Coach

If you want to help people while earning from a work from home job, becoming a life coach is another legit option. It’s a little like working as a therapist, while focusing more on future development.

There are a number of certification programs online, from ones that cost thousands of dollars to much more affordable ones. There aren’t legal requirements to become a life coach, so do your research before you purchase a course!

If this sounds like a scam, I promise it isn’t. My good friend Natalie Bacon went from attorney, to blogger, to life coach. She’s a real-life person who has helped countless people find success and happiness. My wife is actually a big fan of her podcast.

To work and earn money as a life coach, you might have a website where you offer one-on-one coaching sessions. You can also do what Natalie has done and start a successful podcast.

7. Start a YouTube Channel

My wife recently started her own YouTube channel, so I know this is a 100% legitimate work from home job. She’s been at it for a couple of months now, and recently earned her first $150 from affiliate income.

No, she doesn’t do beauty tutorials, unboxing videos, or teaches you a million ways to make slime… all popular genres. She shares her experience making our home look super boujee while not spending a ton of money.

Like blogging, starting a YouTube channel is another way to offer your knowledge and opinions, or it’s just a way to entertain your viewers. You earn income in similar ways, starting slow and building your earnings as you put more work into your channel.

To find out what it took for my wife to start her channel, how you earn money on YouTube, and the insane amount of money the top-grossing YouTubers make, read How Much Money Do YouTubers Make (2024 Guide).

8. Run Facebook Ads for Small Businesses

As far as work from home jobs go, running Facebook ads for small businesses is probably the best one for starting and earning quickly – you can earn $1,000-$1,500 per month/per client.

Small bummer… you will have to occasionally leave your house to find clients, but I found that to be much less stressful than I thought it would be.

If you don’t know my story, I started my own mini digital marketing agency with Facebook while I grew my blogging income. My first client was the jeweler who sold me my wife’s engagement ring.

That was a few years ago, and Facebook continues to be one of the best ways for small business owners to find new customers. The problem is that most of them lack the skills and energy it takes to run a good ad strategy that helps them see real results.

To help you help them, I took everything I learned from running Facebook ads and put it into the Facebook Side Hustle Course. To create the course, I teamed up with my old high school friend Mike Yanda (a Facebook ads guru earning $30,000 month from his FB ads agency, and he’s a stay-at-home dad!).

In the Facebook Ads Course, we teach you:

  • How to set up a Facebook ad system
  • How to find clients who want to pay you for this service
  • How to get those clients to say “yes”

If you want to learn more about this great work from home job and hear from some of our happy and successful students, click over to the Facebook Side Hustle Course.

facebook side hustle

Start making $1,000-$2,000 running ads

Want to learn more about running Facebook ads and how you can make $1,000+ every month? Just click on the link below.

9. Work as a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are often the glue that holds online businesses together… speaking from experience here. That’s because they perform a number of online tasks, like:

  • Setting up email lists
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Managing social media accounts
  • Emailing clients
  • And any other business related task that doesn’t have to be done by the business owner

It’s a flexible enough work from home job that my assistant does it while taking care of her four kids!

You will need excellent organizational skills and can find jobs through websites like Fancy Hands.

10. Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA stands for Fulfillment By Amazon, which basically means you source items to sell on Amazon, ship them to Amazon, and let them take care of selling and shipping out to customers.

Learn more in What is Amazon FBA?

11. Customer Service Rep

If you’ve ever called into a company for help, then you know what a customer service rep does. More and more companies are outsourcing to remote reps – even large companies like Apple.

You can make anywhere from $10-$20/hour and can find jobs on sites like Indeed and FlexJobs.

12. Online Surveys

Companies use online survey websites to get valuable market research. These companies need people fitting into a wide range of demographics to give them that information. So, you take their surveys and get paid for your insights.

Sound simple? Good, it is.

But, if I’m being completely honest with you, this work from home job isn’t one of my favorites for the sheer reason that you have pretty limited earning ability. It would take A LOT of surveys to earn an extra $1,000/month from surveys alone.

BUT, I’ve added it to this list because it’s incredibly mindless work that you can fit in whenever you have a little extra time. It’s also flexible enough to work alongside any of these other work from home jobs… I even used to take online surveys.

Popular survey websites include:

Depending on the site, you might earn points that you redeem for cash or actual cash. Most survey takers average around $1-$2/hour (I said the earning potential was low), but this side hustle is too easy not to mention.

13. More Freelance Jobs

Freelancing is overall one of the best work from home jobs because there are so many different types of services you can offer. With more and more companies outsourcing to freelancers, this is an option that continues to grow.

You can freelance from home as a:

  • Web developer
  • Graphic designer
  • Copywriter
  • App developer
  • Data entry
  • Transcription
  • Sound design

Final Word on Earning Money With a Work From Home Job

Being able to work from home is flexibility and opportunity.

Stay-at-home parents can now stay in the workforce while caring for their children. These jobs let digital nomads roam the world. And people who are struggling to pay down their debt can start earning more to make that financial goal a reality.

There are scams out there… why I don’t like listing things like direct selling or MLMs because I’m not sure they’re always 100% legit. But there are also a lot of good options.

Find one that works for you and stick with it. It’s a game changer.


  1. Hey Bobby, this is such a great post. I just subscribed to “The Free M$M Blogging Course”. Hope I will get a lot of value out of it.

    I’m trying to make some extra money, and I’m trying the blogging route. I agree with you, that is a work hard to get any success kind of business. I’m trying now to promote some affiliate programs and see if I can make some money like this. The one I’m trying now is from Squirly company. Did you try it as well? They offer a 70% commission in August and September.

    I also tried with ads, but no success.

    Thanks again for sharing this, is really helpful.

    1. You’re welcome! No, I haven’t promoted that product. That’s a great commission though!

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