This is your official invitation to join… 


Okay I don’t think there’s an *official* ranking of the best email lists in the universe…

But if there was - you better believe the M$M Email List would be #1.

Or at least somewhere in the top 10 🙃

We send out a few emails every week with: 

  • Weird, random, and insightful stories from my life (for some reason, people like to hear about that kinda stuff)
  • Ways to help you make more money and manage it more effectively
  • At least 1 reference to possums, feet pics, or selling weed*

* I can’t make any formal guarantees here, but the odds are high.

And as an added bonus,
you’ll also get access to the
Money Mastery Guide.

It’s a free 18-page document I put together to help you take control of your finances and put yourself on a path to financial freedom.

Here's what you'll discover in it…

  • A rude comment from a stranger motivated me to pay off $40,000 in debt on my teaching salary. In this document, I reveal the 28 words that changed my financial path for good.
  • The 3 main pillars of the "ETA System" you can use to master your money and get on the right track financially (As far as I know, this is the only way for "normal" people to get ahead financially) 
  • 5 painful questions you'll have to ask yourself if you ever want to get control of your finances (but don't worry — we'll rip off the band-aid quickly, so we can get to the exciting stuff 😉)
  • Buy the expensive steak. Drink the boujee wine. I'll show you a super-easy way to tell if you can REALLY afford expensive things. 
  • My 5-step plan for paying off your debt quickly — without making yourself completely miserable (I went to the extreme to pay off my debt fast, but I'll show you how to do it a little more reasonably haha)
  • Want to reach financial freedom as soon as you can? I'll reveal the #1 most important part of the ETA System you'll have to follow if you wanna make it happen ASAP.

Join The Best Email List In The Universe & Get Free Access To The Guide

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